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面试进行中:投行技术面试(1 / 6)


  然而Johnny并没有问这个问题,他接着说道:“So what do you learn in the school? Which class do you like best?(那么你在学校里学到了什么?你最喜欢哪节课)”

晓兮暗暗松了一口气,说道:“I am a finance major student. I took a lot of classes in finance and economics, like accounting, corporate finance, options and fixed income securities, macro and micro economics, monetary economics.(我是一名金融专业的学生。我上了很多金融和经济学课程,比如会计、公司金融、期权和固定收益证券、宏观和微观经济学、货币经济学)”

还没等晓兮说完,Johnny好像发现了什么:“Oh, you and the girl coming before you are from the same major, and you two share the same English name.(哦,你和你前面来的那个女孩是同一专业的,你们两个有着相同的英文名字)”

晓兮答道:“Yeah, we study the same major.(是的,我们学的是同一个专业)”

Johnny继续问道:“Do you take most of the classes together?(你们一起上大部分课吗)”

晓兮道:“Yeah, we took most of the classes together.(是的,我们一起上了大部分课)”

Johnny接着说道:“Well, to be fair for the other Alice, I will ask you the same set of questions. Both of you had the options class last semester. Let’s start with options. Do you still remember Black-Scholes formula?(好吧,为了对另一个爱丽丝公平,我会问你同样的问题。你们俩上学期都上过选修课。让我们从选项开始。你还记得 Black-Scholes公式吗)”


“Can you tell me the parameters in the Black-Scholes formula?(你能告诉我 Black-Scholes公式中的参数吗)” Johnny问道。

这个怎么可能忘记,晓兮答道:“There are five parameters, stock price, strike price, risk-free rate, volatility and time to maturity.(有五个参数,股票价格、行使价、无风险利率、波动率和到期时间)”

Johnny把一张A4白纸和一支铅笔递给晓兮,继续问道:“Can you please write down the formula?(你能把公式写下来吗)”

晓兮很快就在纸上把这个公式写了出来,Johnny看了一眼说道:“Let us say that a client comes to us and want to buy a European call option on shanghai composite index at 3000 expired in 3 months from today. Let’s work out the pricing. what is the Shanghai Composite Index level today?(比方说,一位客户来找我们,并希望购买从今天起 3个月后到

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