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378、梅花兄妹(2 / 3)






“哇!我今日,真是,太幸福了!You are my hero!你是,我心目中,的大英雄!”


“好说!好说!”珍妮连连说道,“You are the anpple of my eye!”

“You are the anpple of my eye! You are the anpple of my eye!”耶无害随着她象鹦鹉学舌一样地重复起来。

“May you be mine .Do you love me?”珍妮小姐望着“野五孩”那可爱又憨厚的模样,情不自禁地用自己的国语说出心底之言。但是,这句直弄得耶无害不知所云。


“慢慢的,你会懂得,我在说些,什么。”珍妮接着说道,“I have just three words for you today :I love you. To the most handsome Valentine in the world.you have touched my heart.I will be yours till the end of time. Love is all there is;it makes the world go round. It’s hard to express my emotions and affections. To my ever loving ;I am yours forever. I will be your Valentine,I’m willing to fill the position. There is noting so beautiful as the creation of a new life. Wishing you future success and happiness. I am really luck to a friend like you. I am thinking of you as always. I may not often say it, but I do love you. No distance is too great that cannot connect. Friendship is a golden gift cherished above all life’s treasures. I am so glad that we meet, Let’s become closer friends. You can count on me as your close friend. I think that we will become closer through the years. Be my Valentine forever. Peace on earth ,good will toward men. Wishing you a while Christmas. 我把,我所说,的这些话,写在纸上。希望,有一天,你会,明白,我的意思。”珍妮小姐说完,她的话已跃然纸上,并且递给耶无害。











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